Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Americans were snooping on Atlantic LNG to make sure its facilities were protected

American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton asked officials of the U.S. embassy in Port of Spain last year to secretly investigate the facilities of Atlantic LNG because of the strategic importance of the LNG facility to U.S. interests.

The information was revealed by Wikileaks this month, citing a cable from Clinton classed as top secret in which Clinton included TT’s natural gas facility on a series of world-wide infrastructure assets that needed to be included on the Critical Foreign Dependencies Initiative (CFDI) list.

Atlantic LNG’s facilities had been included on the CFDI list for 2008, and Clinton requested updated information on the natural gas facilities to determine if it should be included again on the list.

According to the whistle blower site, Clinton sent a cable on February 18, 2009 saying the State Department “is surveying posts for their input on critical infrastructure and key resources within their host country which, if destroyed, disrupted or exploited, would likely have an immediate and deleterious effect on the United States.”

She added, “We expect posts, after consultation among all sections and agencies, will in many instances recognise whether such CI/KR (critical infrastructure and key resources) exist in their host country...posts are not/not being asked to consult with host governments with respect to this request...

"Building upon the initial survey completed in 2008, Department requests each post reassess and update information about infrastructure and resources in each host country whose loss could immediately affect the public health, economic security and/or national and homeland security of the United States.”

The cable noted that the Atlantic LNG “provides 70 per cent of US natural gas import needs”.

Trinidad and Tobago is one of the world’s largest producers of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) with its facilities located at Point Fortin. Atlantic LNG manages four trains on behalf of individual holding companies.

The combined output is a maximum of 100,000 cubic metres of LNG per day, enough energy to power the entire U.S. for 1.4 months.

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai