Sunday, November 21, 2010

Manning facing contempt motion over allegations about Kamla's house

The Government of Trinidad and Tobago is planning to file a contempt motion against former Prime Minister Patrick Manning next Friday for statements he made in the House of Representatives on Friday about a house being built by Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar.

Manning claimed the house, which he described as 'Kamla's palace', is valued at more than TT$150 million. He also insinuated that the funds for the project were tainted.

He produced a picture of the house. “This picture, Mr Speaker, is a photograph of a house under construction on the San Fernando, Siparia Erin Road just past Bryan’s Gate, Phillipine, and on the road to Debe on the right hand side. 

"It is a house owned by the Member for Siparia and the Prime Minister, the honourable Mrs Kamla Persad-Bissessar, and in San Fernando we call it ‘Kamla’s palace’,” Manning said.

“Look at it, Mr Speaker ... it is a huge facility and investigations, Mr Speaker, indicate that this property is larger than the Diplomatic Centre...the best estimate that we have, the all-inclusive cost of building this facility is $150 million,” he said.

The Prime Minister told the Newsday newpaper, “I wish to state categorically that the statements and assertions made by the MP for San Fernando East on the issue of my private home are false and malicious."

"The house under construction which belongs to my husband and myself commenced construction in the year 2001. The house does not cost anywhere near to what the MP for San Fernando East stated. The house is being constructed with private funds earned by my husband and myself.

"No state funds have been used in the construction of the family home. The utterance of the MP for San Fernando East on this issue is yet another example of his untrustworthiness on factual issues.”

The Prime Minister added, “We began construction as our income would allow us to do and the house is still unoccupied, but we are on the verge of having the house completed...

“All matters pertaining to that house is handled by my husband Dr Greg Bissessar and I want to state again that to make a bold statement that the house has so far cost $150 million is definitely a laughable matter,” the Prime Minister said.

"It is totally false, malicious and misleading and therefore the Government will file the contempt motion for breach of parliamentary privilege,” she told the paper.

Government House leader Dr Roodal Moonilal told the paper, “What we are dealing with here is a breach of parliamentary privilege to bring a member of Parliament into disrepute and also a breach of the standing orders and we pointed that out on several occasions on Friday night.

"The government has the liberty to file a motion of privileges to ensure that Mr Manning be dealt with according to the rules of the house. It is a latitude that the government or any member has,” Moonilal said.

He said Government will move the motion of privileges once Speaker Wade Mark grants leave to do so in accordance with Standing Order 27 of the House of Representatives. 

If Manning is found in breach of the standing orders he could be suspended. However Manning could make an apology and end the matter.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai