Sunday, November 21, 2010

Caribbean Airlines rescues stranded Hajj pilgrims; Inshan thanks PM, Jack

Caribbean Airlines (CAL) has come to the rescue of several Muslim pilgrims who had been stranded in Caracas on their way home from the annual Hajj in Mecca.

The airline intervened after activist and broadcaster Inshan Ishmael brought the matter to the attention of Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar and Works and Transport Minister, Jack Warner, who has responsibility for the national airline.

In a letter emailed to media editors Saturday, Ishamel thanked both Persad-Bissessar and Warner for their swift reaction to problems facing citizens of Trinidad and Tobago and for finding an immediate solution and bringing the pilgrims home.

According to Ishmael's account, he learned about the problem at 6.25 pm Friday. A friend advised him that 35 piglrims returning from the Hajj via Germany were stranded in Caracas and that it could take as many as 10 days for them to get home as standby passengers.

"Upon receiving all the information I immediately texted the Prime Minister, even though I know she was in Parliament. I was expecting to get a reply later that night or early the next morning. Nothing could have prepared me for what was to follow, within five minutes I received a text asking for details," wrote Ishmael.

He said the PM informed Warner who told CAL boss Captain Ian Brunton about the problem. 

"Within another five minutes a representative of Captain Brunton called and I appraised him of the situation...After another 5 minutes I received another call informing me that hotel accomodations have been arranged and that all passengers will be flown back this morning (Saturday) at 11:05 am," he said.

Ishmael said the airline kept that promise and brought home all 35 pilgrims Saturday.

His letter expressed thanks on behalf of the Muslim community. "Thank you, thank you, thank you to the PM, Minister Warner and the Management and staff of Caribbean Airlines," he wrote.

"This is what we can call good Governance, when a PM can take time from dealing with the stresses of Parliament to heed the cries of Citizens of our beloved Country."

His letter, sent to JYOTI by email, was signed on behalf of the Muslim Community.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai