Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Fazeer's firing turning into religious row

Many Muslims in Trinidad and Tobago are making the firing of journalist Fazeer Mohammed a personal issue and are demanding his reinstatement as a talk show host on the state-owned CNMG.

About 50 people representing several Islamic groups met Tuesday night to discuss the matter and condemned the move to fire Mohammed.

Imtiaz Mohammed, president of the Islamic Guild of the Caribbean and South America and chairman of Trinidad and Tobago Muslim community presided over the meeting. Mohammed said if the journalist is not reinstated Muslims will have to take their concerns to the doorsteps of the Prime Minister through public demonstrations.

Mohammed, who endorsed the People's Partnership in the May 24 general election condemned the action taken by CNMG and its executive and was also critical of Foreign Affairs Minister Dr Suruj Rambachan for the way he conducted himself in the controversial issue of religious leadership.

Dr Rambachan and the host carried on a heated debate about the role of women in leadership positions in Islamic teachings.

Read the story: From the transcript: Mohammed and Rambachan on women in leadership

Mohammed said Fazeer should get an apology in addition to getting back his job. "Clearly there is a lot of disquiet from the comments that have been made," he said.

The man at the centre of the controversay was quoted as saying that he was advised to not be the "sacrificial lamb" in a row between Muslims and Hindus. 

However he stressed that fundamental concerns were raised by Muslims and it would a dereliction of his duty as a Muslim if getting back his job is the only concern.

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