Tuesday, November 9, 2010

From the transcript: Mohammed and Rambachan on women in leadership

Fazeer Mohammed believes his interview with Foreign Minister Suruj Rambachan may have prompted his dismissal as a talk show host on the state-owned CNMG television station.

Here is a partial transcript, which gets into the controversial issue of women in leadership roles.

Mohammed asked asking Rambachan in his capacity as Foreign Affairs Minister if he felt that the Prime Minister's statement about Trinidad and Tobago not being an ATM card for the region or no aid unless it redounded in benefits to this country was said in a diplomatic way.

Rambachan replied: "You can argue that from now until eternity...but I want to ask you a question, last time I was here, you seem to have some specific problem with Mrs Bissessar's leadership, is that so?"

Mohammed: "No, I have no problem with Kamla Persad-Bissessar's leadership".

Rambachan: "Philosophically, do you subscribe to women in leadership positions?"

Mohammed: "Well, religiously, no".

Rambachan: "Well, religiously no, so if you have Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar as the Prime Minister of the country, would you subscribe to a woman being a Prime Minister of this country?"

Mohammed: "I have no problem with that".

Rambachan: "Well you said religiously you have a problem".

Mohammed: "Religiously no, but there is a difference between religion and country. I don't know if you are trying to paint me in a corner as far as my religious philosophy but the point is".

Rambachan: "Going back to the ATM".

Mohammed: "Dr Rambachan you are trying to evade the point. You are trying to draw in religious views".

Rambachan: "She never said that".

Mohammed: "Wait, let me finish, you are trying to draw in my religious philosophy on women in leadership with the leadership of the country which is very different and I am trying to deal with the fundamental issue of the comments in relation to the situation in those islands and that's why I draw the comments of being diplomatic. 

"I have no problem with the issue of your questioning, but I don't see the connection, if it is my religious philosophy says a woman should not be in religious leadership that it automatically presumes that I am against a woman in leadership of any country". 

You can watch the full video of the interview at CNMG

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