Monday, August 9, 2010

T&T expecting more floods; officials ready to cope

People living near the Caroni River Basin have been put on flood alert due to continuing heavy rains.

Works Minister Jack Warner visited several rivers in the Mayaro and Rio Claro districts Sunday to get an idea of what needs to be done in the short term to deal with flooding problems.

He told reporters a crew is on 24-hour standby as an emergency measure in case the Caroni river flows over its banks. He said the plan would be to dredge the mouth of the river.

His cabinet colleague, Local Government minister Chandresh Sharma, who was injured while touring affected areas, said the authorities are on alert to rescue those under threat.

“We...have put all measures in place to deal with it whenever the occasion rises,” Sharma told the Newsday newspaper.

He added, "I have manpower on standby not only to respond to reports but also to evacuate residents who live within the Caroni River Basin and close to river-banks, who may be or are under great threat.

“We have identified several shelters for flood victims, mainly at schools and community centres. It is not like before that when floods hit we are looking for relief for victims, this time we know where the food is coming from and where the mattresses are coming from for affected persons.

"We are prepared and would not be caught off-guard. We are better equipped, mentally, physically and technically.”

The minister said several crews are monitoring areas that might become flooded and they “have been given instructions to evacuate residents”.

He said he understands that many people would be reluctant to abandon their homes and said the final decision would be theirs. However he is hoping that they will appreciate the threat and accept the offer to move to emergency shelters.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai