Monday, August 9, 2010

Rambachan angry at slow response by health authorities

As floods continue to disrupt life in communities across Trinidad the MP for Tabaquite has complained about the situation in his constituency and accused the health ministry of failing to provide medication for flood victims.

Dr Suruj Rambachan told reporters Sunday there is a health crisis looming in Tabaquite because the ministry's Insect Vector Control Department has not sprayed the region.

He said cesspits have not been cleaned and there is little co-ordination among departments of the Health Ministry.

Rambachan, who has mobilised a team of doctors who have volunteered to help, told reporters the biggest problem is that he cannot get an medication from the Ministry of Health.

“I have been trying to get donations from government sources, but I was met with bureaucracy...I am co-ordinating a medical effort that is so big and you as a government official, cannot even supply this to me," he said.

He charged that officials at the ministry are not coordinating their efforts and it appears that they don't know what they are doing.

“There is a health crisis that can emerge from this and I am not afraid to say that I am dissatisfied with the Insect Vector Control. I am dissatisfied with several other agencies of government who should have been on the ground from day two of this flood.”

He acknowledged that his cabinet colleague Health Minister Theresa Baptiste-Cornelis has promised to help but he is not seeing signs that it is happening.

“Where are the public health doctors who are supposed to come here? Why are they not here? Where is the County Medical Officer of Health? Why is he not co-ordinating an effort, both physical and psychological,” Rambachan asked.

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Jai & Sero

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Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai