Saturday, May 29, 2010

"We must accept no mediocrity," PM Kamla tells cabinet

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar on Friday told members of her first cabinet that she expects each of them "to dedicate all of your energies towards ensuring that the people’s needs are being addressed."

And she said each member must work on behalf of all the people, with the understanding that the "people are the government". She also banned the use of any party symbol while a minister is on official business.

In a brief address at the swearing-in of the cabinet, she said, "All of us are held accountable to the people. Ours is a monumental task but it is one which is equally rewarding because there can be no greater call than that of national service.

"We must accept no mediocrity. Neither must we contribute to it in any way. There must be no room for arrogance. We must be faithful to a leadership style that is firm but humble, passionate and impatient for great achievements but ever conscious of the correct procedures."

She added, "We have to be ever mindful that the nation is looking at us expectantly. No one out there expects excuses, they want results. No one expects us to create miracles, but simply to work hard enough as though we know could produce them.

"Lead by example. Follow by learning to listen. All of this is as much my mantra as it is your own. As of now, each of us is on trial. We begin to be tested as of this very moment.

"We carry a huge responsibility to get this nation back on track. So we must discover how to turn obstacles into opportunities, discover new ways of solving old problems.

"Inspire others by our enthusiasm and positive outlook. As members of the Cabinet of the People’s Partnership we are stewards of the nation’s future.

"What a legacy we can leave behind. What an incredible privilege and honour given to us to serve in this way. What a phenomenal opportunity to make such a contribution to country.

"My caution is never to become aloof, never lose sight of the true purpose of the position you hold. Stay grounded. Keep connected to the people. Earn their respect by the way you serve them.

"As Chief Servant Makandal Daaga would say, the people are the government. We are servants of the people. We work for the people. Diligently and entirely and always in their interest.

"The talent and commitment of this group assembled here this afternoon cannot be denied. Sure, many of you are new to this but that means you bring fresh ideas and new perspectives.

"Government cannot be about doing the same things and expecting different results. The days will be long and the nights sleepless but the rewards will come from knowing that we are improving the lives of others and creating the kind of nation of which we can all be proud.

"One of the hallmarks of our government must be that we serve every citizen with the same dedication regardless of their political affiliation. And we must never display any kind of party symbol during the conduct of our work as the government of Trinidad and Tobago in or out of Parliament.

"Transparency and accountability must be evident in all government matters. We must be exemplars of the society, returning sound, traditional values of ethics and morals back into government.

"Honesty must be one of the given qualifications of anyone who hopes to serve the people. Harness the best of our nation’s human resources to give reality to the change so many voted for.

"Disregard which party any qualified individual comes from or what ethnic group or religion or anything else that defines them in any way other than their competency and genuine commitment to serve the people.

"The people are the government. Please take these words and frame them on every desk of each of your Ministries and recommit to them every single day of each month you are privileged to be in service to the nation.

"Thank you for coming forward in the way each of you has to contribute to the large task of rebuilding our great nation.

"I pledge to you all that I will be a leader who in turn listens and that my decisions will only be arrived at after collaboration and always in the interest of what best serves Trinidad and Tobago.

"There is no room for personal egos, no time for personal agendas, and no opportunity for self glorification. This is not about us, it is about the people. And they have the power to dismiss us anytime.

"Congratulations to each of you. The entire nation now awaits your performance. And your job expectations actually began on Monday night so we have some catching up to do already so let me not delay you any further.

"God bless and guide us all as we embark upon this inspired journey of national service. And may God bless our nation."

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai