Here's the list:
- Kamla Persad-Bissessar, MP - Prime Minister
- Senator Anand Ramlogan - Attorney General
- Herbert Volney, MP - Justice
- Prakash Ramadhar, MP - Legal Affairs
- Senator Brig. John Sandy - National Security
- Winston Dookeran, MP - Finance
- Senator Mary King - Planning, Social Reconstruction, Gender Affairs
- Carolyn Seepersad-Bachan, MP - Energy
- Dr Surujrattan Rambachan, MP - Foreign Affairs
- Jack Warner, MP - Works and Infrastructure
- Dr Tim Gopeesingh, MP - Education
- Senator Fazal Karim - Science Technology and Tertiary Education
- Senator Rudrawatie Nan-Ramgoolam - Public Administration
- Anil Roberts, MP - Sports and Youth
- Chandresh Sharma, MP - Local Government
- Senator Emannuel George - Public Utilities
- Roodal Moonilal, MP - Housing and the Environment
- Stephen Cadiz, MP - Trade and Industry
- Rupert Griffith, MP - Tourism
- Winston Peters, MP - Arts and Culture
- Senator Therese Baptise Cornelius - Health
- Vasant Bharath - Food Production, Land and Marine Affairs
- Nizam Baksh, MP - Community Development
- Errol Mc Leod, MP - Labour
- Vernella Pilgrim-Toppin, MP - Tobago Development
- Clifton De Coteau, MP - Minister in the Ministry of Education
- Dr Delmon Bakaer, MP - Minister in the Ministry of Tourism
- Rudranath Indarsingh, MP - Minister in the Ministry of Works
- Collin Partap, MP - Minister of State, Office of the Prime Minister
- Rodger Samuel, MP - Minister of State - Office of the Prime Minister
- Sen. Kevin Ramnarine - Parliamentary Secretary, Energy, Energy Affairs
- Stacy Roopnarine, MP - Parliamenary Secretary, Sport and Youth Affairs
- Jairam Seemungal, MP - Parliamentary Secretary, Legal Affairs
- Nela Khan, MP - Parliamentary Secretary, Arts and Culture
- Ramona Ramdial, MP - Parliaamentary Secretary, Ministry of Planning
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