Sunday, November 29, 2009

UNC Assembly to confirm internal election for Jan. 24, 2010

The United National Congress (UNC) holds its National Assembly in Couva Sunday at which it will approve resolutions from the congress held last month, including one to hold internal elections on January 24, 2010.

UNC leader Basdeo Panday is so far the only person who has said he is running for the party's leadership. Deputy leader Jack Warner plans to run for the chairmanship of the party, which Panday currently holds in addition to being party leader.

Warner won't be at Sunday's assembly and neither would Ramesh L. Maharaj, who is out of the country. Warner is spending the day in a walkabout in Panday's Couva North constituency, meeting people and hearing their concerns.

His Ramjack group has set up a private political office in Carapichaima, claiming that it is necessary since Panday does not offer any representation to the people.

Warner is not attending because he has deep concerns about the legality of the meeting, which he says is being held on the basis of a bogus list of financial members.

He said he will not recognize decisions taken unless he could peruse a credible membership list.
UNC members will also be watching to see if Deputy Leader Kamla Persad Bissessar would attend.

At last month's congress a delegate told Panday to step aside and let Persad-Bissessar take over the leadership because she has the best change of beating the People's National Movement (PNM) in an election.

Panday had told the delegate that the national executive would consider the matter. Persad-Bissessar herself has not publicly indicated any interest in running against Panday.

In the history of the UNC, no one has ever challenged Panday for the job and there's every indication that this unwritten convention would continue.

Panday has led the UNC since the party was born in 1989 except for a brief period from 2005 to 2006 when Winston Dookeran was leader. Panday had stepped aside and allowed Dookeran to run unopposed in the 2005 internal election and he was elected unopposed as chairman.

When Dookeran left the party and formed the Congress of the People (COP), the national executive appointed Panday as interim leader until fresh elections.

In announcing his candidacy last Monday Panday also said he would field his own slate of candidates because he wants to be sure that he could work with the people elected to the executive.

He has stated that many MP's have expressed an interest in running but declined to name them, saying he would do so in January.

Asked by local media if he would have a problem if Persad Bissessar decides to run against him, Panday said no, adding that she has that right. But some members of the UNC are saying that if she opposes Panday, it would mean political suicide.

Read the story:
Panday says it's Kamla right to run for UNC leadership
News feature: Will anyone challenge Panday?
Letter: Kamla is best hope to beat PNM

There is speculation that Panday might actually do an about face, pull out at the last minute and let Persad Bissessar run.

At least one source close to the UNC told JYOTI Panday knows that he cannot beat the PNM, so his best chance would be to hand over the leadership to Persad-Bissessar who has a strong following inside and outside of the party. The source added that she is also seen as the best person to unite the opposition.

But the Ramjack group has dismissed that, saying that Panday would never give up the leadership.

Warner has even suggested that Panday is holding on because it guarantees that the PNM would continue to win elections so long as Panday leads the UNC. Warner and his colleague, Mayaro MP Winston 'Gypsy' Peters, have said they would support Persad-Bissessar if she decides to run against Panday.

Read the story:
Jack, Gypsy will support Kamla for UNC leader

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