There is a momentum building for the Siparia MP to challenge Basdeo Panday for the party's leadership and Warner has said he would put his support behind if she decides to run.
The Chaguanas West MP has also charged that Panday is only running because it would guarantee the UNC would lose an election and keep Patrick Manning in office.
"Mr Panday’s agenda is to keep Mr Manning in office, not to be in Government," Warner told the Trinidad Express, adding that all his UNC colleagues know that what Panday is doing was wrong.
"None of them have the testicular fortitude to stand up to him, a tragedy they will all pay for," Warner added.
Warner reiterated that he has no interest in running for the leadership and that he will contest the post of party chairman, which Panday currently holds.
"If Mrs Bissessar contests that post, I shall give her my full support...as for Mr Panday, I say nothing," he told the paper.
At the same time Warner said Sunday's UNC assembly is illegal since it has not been constituted in accordance with the UNC constitution. He told the paper instead of attending the event, he will be on a walkabout in Panday's Couva North constituency.
Warner has written to each member of the UNC national executive (Natex) complaining that the party is planning to hold an election with a bogus membership list. He has also pointed out that any congress or assembly held on the basis of that list is illegal and has threatened court action against every Natex member.
However, he has not said if he would take action.
The UNC executive has not been able to meet for the past several weeks due to the lack of a quorum. Warner believes it is a signal that members are unhappy with their leader.
Mayaro MP Winston "Gypsy" Peters has threatened to walk away from the UNC if Panday becomes the leader again. "He is just obstructing until he dies. Mr Panday is not fighting for anybody now except himself," he said.
Like Warner, he will support the former attorney general is she decides to run. "I will put my full weight behind her and I know other people who will do it. Mr Panday’s selfishness is what have the UNC and Trinidad and Tobago the way we are today," he told the Express.
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