Wednesday, December 5, 2012

TOP names its 12 for THA election

The Tobago Organisation of the People (TOP) on Tuesday announced the names of its 12 candidates for the January 21 Tobago House of Assembly (THA) elections. 

They are:
  1. Ashworth Jack - Providence/Mason Hall/Moriah
  2. Steve Jack - Goodwood/Belle Garden
  3. Rolly Quaccoo - Canaan/Bon Accord
  4. Fitzherbert Taylor - Parlatuvier/L’anseFourmi/Charlotteville
  5. Anslem Richards - Roxborough/Delaford
  6. Pastor Chester Robinson Alleyne - Lambeau/Signal Hill
  7. Sherry Ann Rollocks-Hackett - Bethel/Mt Irvine
  8. Theodil Mc-Pherson - Black Rock/Whim
  9. Anthony Arnold - Scarborough/Calder Hall
  10. Richard Alfred for Buccoo/Mt Pleasant
  11. Certica Williams-Orr - Plymouth/Golden Lane
  12. Gladstone Solomon - Bacolet/Mt St George 
“The team chosen represents what we consider to be the future of the development of Tobago in terms of the political arena,” Jack told reporters, noting that the candidates represent a mixture of experience, youth and gender.

TOP held four of the 12 seats in the THA with Jack serving as Minority Leader. He has been leader of the TOP since it was formed on October 26, 2008.

The PNM candidates for the election are:
  1. THA chief secretary Orville London - Scarborough/Calder Hall
  2. Hilton Sandy - Roxborough/Delaford
  3. Claudia Groome-Duke - Black Rock/Whim/Spring Garden
  4. Godwin Adams - Plymouth/Golden Lane
  5. Tracey Davidson-Celestine - Parlatuvier/L'Anse Fourmi/Speyside
  6. Hayden Spencer - Belle Garden/Goodwood
  7. Joel Jack - Bacolet/Mt St George
  8. Jomo Pitt - Lambeau/Signal Hill
  9. Handel Beckles - Bethel/Mt Irvine
  10. Ancil Dennis - Buccoo/Mt Pleasant
  11. Huey Cadette - Canaan/Bon Accord)
  12. Sheldon Cunningham - Providence/Mason Hall/Moriah

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai