Saturday, October 27, 2012

Moonilal says censure motion null and void

Reproduced unedited from CNMG:
File: Roodal Moonilal
The Leader of Government Business in the Lower House, Dr. Roodal Moonilal, has labeled the Censure Motion brought against the Attorney General as full of hypocrisy and deception.

Speaking in the Parliament, he said Opposition Leader Dr. Keith Rowley is grasping at straws.

"This Motion is sinister and nefarious. It is self serving and reeks of hypocrisy. There are wild allegations, unsubstantiated statements that will lead to this Motion being null, void and of absolutely no effect."

Dr. Moonilal said the Opposition is attempting to use the Attorney General as a red herring or even something larger, such as a red grouper. He said the Censure Motion is loud in condemnation, but very soft on specifics.

He said the Opposition has latched on to the Section 34 fiasco much like persons "mind a mark" in Play Whe.

"The Member opposite believes that with Section 34, he has an opening, a gateway to return the PNM to power. That Section 34 will return the PNM to political power. That is what they believe. That and the green donkey they will never see."

Dr. Moonilal suggested that the Censure Motion is self serving and has more to do with the PNM's own challenges in retaining the seat of Government in Tobago.

"Yesterday the THA was dissolved, 24 hours before this debate. If you want to start your campaign, you could go in the Grand Stand and start your campaign, not in the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago."

Dr. Moonilal said it is also strange that the Opposition is debating a Motion of No Confidence in the Attorney General but Dr. Rowley was very silent over criticisms made against former PNM Attorney General John Jeremie by the Law Association.

"They condemned him, they said they had no confidence in Jeremie as the titular head of the bar. You had a situation where the legal profession, the Law Association, condemned the Attorney General and he never raised issue of a Motion of No Confidence in the Parliament."

He also lashed out at former PNM leader of Government Business Colm Imbert. Dr. Moonilal said in 2009, the PNM Government had a track record of denying the Opposition a chance to bring private Motions.

"So the opposition never had the right and never had the opportunity to come to Parliament and raise any matter. Today, the very first occasion where a Private Members Day is expected, we debate the Motion that they filed. We are not hiding."

Dr. Moonilal said the Opposition has a track record of bringing No Confidence Motions but insisted that the PNM's propaganda will not last another six months, six weeks or six days.

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