Sunday, August 19, 2012

Letter: Thanks for the help, PM

Dear Prime Minister and Ministers Rambachan, Warner and George in particular,

I haven't been able to write before, because down to Blackberry was lost. Now that I'm beginning to piece my life together again, permit me to say thank you for the help offered and given to us and the other neighbourhoods following the total wipeout that hit us early last Saturday morning. 

It is not easy picking up the pieces, especially when everything either got swept away or buried in the wall of mud, slush and vegetation that thundered down the hillside without warning just as the rains began to ease. 

It would take a good while to forget and to recover from the trauma, who knows, maybe we who felt the full brunt never will recover or forget. 

But even when the whole world goes topsy turvy, we won't forget Maureen McGovern encouragement "there's got to be a morning after, let's keep on looking for the light". 

Your prompt assistance showed the Debbie Boone touch "you did light up our life" very quickly and give us renewed hope in our darkest hour.
On behalf of my neighbourhood and my family and friends in other areas who got hit, thank you, Madam prime Minister and thank you to Ministers Rambachan, Warner and George. 

I know many others also came through for us, so I also thank them as well. May God bless and keep you. May we who felt Nature's full wrath also all come out stronger and more united because of our common experience.

Gwendy Huggins | Glencoe 

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai