Sunday, August 19, 2012

Letter: An example of shoddy journalism?

Dear Editor,

Browsing online through the local newspapers while munching Sunshine cereal, I stumbled across a story put out by the Trinidad Guardian under the headline Keshorn to move in among VIP neighbours.

Naturally, it grabbed my attention. Living in the area, I told myselfI would get some info about when our new Olympic hero would be moving in. Over the past couple days, our neighbourhood had been discussing about putting together a lovely welcome neighbour reception for him and his family.

I nearly threw up instead.

The story was really not on Keshorn Walcott at all.

Ms Krystal Rambally had simply used his name to grab readers' attention to put down work on the government, especially on the Attorney General, Mr Anand Ramlogan, and also to paint Colm Imbert as a prim and proper guardian of taxpayers' business.

How could you do such a thing Ms Rambally? How could you exploit our new hero so? Is that journalism? Or, mischief at the keyboard?

If you have a thing against (or for) the Attorney General, why bring our gold medallist into it? As a young woman, I am ashamed of what you did! You ought to be ashamed too!

In your story, you said the AG told you he sometimes stays in Federation Park. The properties are owned by the government. From what we have noticed, they have been used exactly for the reason he gave you, which is to save the taxpayers' money, as the alternative was to stay at Hyatt AT TAXPAYER EXPENSE. 

Yet you're writing as if to suggest it is illegal for him to do that. Worse still, you're making out as if MP Imbert has the moral authority to question any non PNM government, after he and the PNM took billions of taxpayers' dollars to build bigshot houses in Federation Park, and other buildings, like the stadium in Tarouba, which up to now can't finish. 

They did all that while leaving over 50,000 poor families on the waiting list by HDC! Oh yes! It was the PNM, not the PP, who put up those multi-million dollar villas in Federation Park! Guess whose money they used, Ms Krystal?

You could see for yourself. The weblink to it is

Nathalia La Foucade, aged 32 (and quietly charting my own path through the Circle of Life) | Federation Park, Port of Spain.

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai