Monday, June 18, 2012

Letter: Is the MSJ truly committed to the people?

Precisely for the reasons adumbrated in our esteemed Political Leader's commentary is why each political party of the People's Partnership must so organize and conduct itself in a manner that will smoothly, satisfactorily, bring benevolence, not niggardliness, to the many members each enrolled.

Politics is a people thing - it is about the people. Political parties therefore are formed in furtherance of the interests of those who join them. Inevitably, that means one thing - a political party must have an overarching principle artfully enunciated to entice persons to join it...critical in a democracy, where, without the votes, you remain in the wilderness. Enter the dragon!

Sometimes, the malevolent clothe themselves as sheep and dupe the bewildered into embracing parties which are not mindful of the people's well-being at all.

Then, once within the fold, the duped follow like a fatalistically assertive brigade, even in the face of rampant evidence of their patrimony being rifled by those holding sway over them.

It is easy to recognize such parties - they preach democracy, yet, in-house, do not practise it...their membership is allowed a mere veneer...decisions affecting them are made without their input, or made as if they had...the affected meekly swallow it and say, "I is a dis or a dat till ah dead!", even after the irrevocable folly of their ways is shown to them.

The MSJ's voluntary separation from the People's Partnership perhaps signifies that it (MSJ) is such a party. If so, it's a pity, for one strident cry of the antedeluvian philosophy from which it was born is: "Let those that labour hold the reins!"

Its curtain call also draws open the shutters to show its leaders are yet to understand that without vibrant vitality, political parties are assuredly doomed.

© Richard Wm. Thomas,

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai