Saturday, May 12, 2012

UNC national executive members take office Saturday

UNC Political Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar
Kamla Persad-Bissessar will on Saturday install members of the national executive (NATEX) of her United National Congress (UNC) and deliver the feature address at the function at the party's headquarters at Rienzi Complex, Couva.

The party held its internal election on March 24 for all posts except that of the political leader, which is held by Persad-Bissessar. 
Jack Warner was re-elected chairman of the party.

The others members are:
  1. Vice Chairman, Khadijah Ameen
  2. Roodal Moonilal, Deputy Leader
  3. Surujrattan Rambachan, Deputy leader
  4. Marlene Coudray, Deputy Leader
  5. Chandresh Sharma, Party Organiser
  6. William Archie, Treasurer
  7. Collin Partap, Policy and Strategy Officer 
  8. Ramona Ramdial, Election Officer 
  9. Daphne Phillips, Education Officer 
  10. Arnold Ram, Research Officer 
  11. Shane Mohammed, International Relations Officer 
  12. Don Sylvester, North West coordinator 
  13. Yvette Richards, North East coordinator 
  14. South coordinator, Shanti Boodram
  15. Glenn Ramadharsingh, Central coordinator  
  16. Barrington Thomas, Tobago coordinator

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Jai & Sero

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