Sunday, April 22, 2012

Release Alleyne, lawyers tell CoP

Ian Alleyne's lawyers have written to Commissioner of Police Dwayne Gibbs stating that the continued detention of the TV6 Crime Watch host is illegal.

Om Lalla and Dereck Balliram delivered their letter Gibbs Saturday, asking the commissioner to release their client by Sunday or face court action.

Police arrested Alleyne on Thursday night and so far he has not been charged. Lalla told the Express newspaper, "If the Commissioner does not release him, we will go for a habeas corpus."

This is a writ or legal action through which a prisoner can be released from unlawful detention where there is insufficient cause or evidence to continue to hold the person.

Lalla himself stated last week that police are standing by to charge Alleyne with three counts under the Sexual Offences Act and one count for resisting arrest.

Howver, he is now claiming that police have not offered Alleyne a reason for his detention or if they plan to lay charges against him. He said police abused their powers by the use of "unwarranted, excessive force" during the arrest on Thursday.

The attorneys claim that they are not aware of any charges being laid against Alleyne and therefore he should be released forthwith. They are also claiming that police violated Alleyne's constitutional.

The lawyers have also sent a letter of complaint to Chairman of the Police Service Complaints Authority Gillian Lucky asking her to investigate claims that Alleyne was "physically, wrongfully arrested and detained by police".

Deputy Commissioner of Police in charge of Anti-Crime Operations Mervyn Richardson confirmed to the Express that Alleyne has been charged. However the warrants have not been executed because Alleyne is in hospital.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai