Thursday, April 19, 2012

PM Kamla has no additional comments on Partnership matter

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar on Wednesday told reporters at Piarco International Airport she stands by the joint statement issued last week by leaders of the People's Partnership.

Journalists attending a media briefing on the PM's return from the VI Summit of the Americas wanted to know if Persad-Bissessar had any comment on developments since the coalition leaders last met.

She said as far she knows the Marlene Coudray matter was settled and that Coudray would remain mayor of San Fernando. She added that it would be improper of her to comment further and referred the media to the statement, which is reproduced below:

"The Leaders of the parties of the People's Partnership at its meeting today (Thursday, April 12, 2012) agreed that:
  1. There was an agreement with respect to the sharing of responsibilities arising out of the Local Government elections of 2010 and that in this regard, the Congress of the People would have the mayoral responsibility for the San Fernando City Corporation
  2. Given the circumstances of the change in party allegiance by Ms Marlene Coudray, the Congress of the People no longer has that position of responsibility
  3. The most appropriate resolution of the Congress of the People's loss of a position of responsibility would be the allocation of another position of responsibility, and to this end, the leaders consider a number of options
  4. Due to the consideration of time, a final determination of the appropriate option could not be made today. 
  5. The leaders, in our several meetings, have also discussed a number of other crucial issues relating to the functioning of the Partnership and the Government, and have agreed that actions are to be taken on the following matters:

  • Rules of Engagement with the parties
  • Fair share of resources to communities
  • Resolving of the concerns of important sectors of the national community
  • Improving the Governance of the country by implementing our manifesto commitments with specific reference to our statements that: 
  • "the economy will continue to be transformed through a political system that will be more responsive and participatory". 
  • "we will have clean, responsible and responsive government with legislative changes and constitutional amendments to curb excesses and abuse of power. We reaffirm our emphasis on transparency and accountability." 
  • There will be a greater emphasis on collaborative approaches to facilitate consultation, participation, involvement and consensus-building. This will help us to achieve unity of purpose in our efforts and partnership and trust in the society. 
To this end, the party chairmen have been mandated to meet urgently and recommend action on these matters for the consideration and approval by the Leaders.

The party chairs are to meet before the end of April and at least monthly thereafter. The political leaders are also to meet at least on a monthly basis.

We reiterate our earlier statement that "The leaders recognise the importance of this forum for the discussion and resolution of national policy issues."

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