Thursday, April 19, 2012

PM assures media PP government is strong and working hard in the interest of all citizens

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar told reporters on Wednesday her People's Partnership government remains very strong despite the naysayers who are speculating that the government may not last its full five-year term.

She was speaking at a media briefing at Piarco Airport shortly after returning home from the VI Summit of the Americas that took place over the weekend in Colombia.

Persad-Bissessar acknowledged that her government faces many challenges, noting that it is normal for a government to be under stress at times.

"We can face those challenges. We have done almost two years," she said. The PM added, "When we formed this Government in May 2010, they said we would last one month, we will last two months, we would last three months...Then they said one year... 

"Well one year has come and gone, and we are now going into two years and we will last our full term. We will continue to work for the people and we will last the full term."

Earlier she took the opportunity to outline some of the work the government is undertaking
 in the areas of education, infrastructure, health and food production.

She spoke about the recent opening of the Couva interchange that has brought to an end the traffic congestion on the Couva flyover caused by traffic from Pt. Lisas, the St Helena bypass to the airport and the $400 million road rehabilitation program that she launched before heading off to Colombia.

"As you are aware a national road rehabilitation program involving 166 projects in the first phase has been launched and work has commenced.

"This will not only boost the construction sectors and employment opportunities but also make an appreciable difference to the quality of life of citizens and commuters," she said.

In education, she said the government's objective is to focus on improving the environment for learning through the rapid construction of quality school buildings.

The Prime Minister stated that in addition to those already opened the Minister of Education has advised that early childhood care and education centres are ready to be opened in Retrench, Golconda, Wellington Road, Harmony Hall and Carlsen Field.

She added, "With respect to Primary Schools I am advised that the following are ready to be opened. These will provide spaces for 450 per schoolers. Penal Rock Road SDMS, Palo Seco Government, Lengua Presbyterian, Balmain Presbyterian, Biche Presbyterian, Mt Pleasant GPS, Riversdale Presbyterian, Tunapuna Government. The total seats made available at these schools will be 2020.
"With respect to Secondary schools, I am advised that the Marabella Secondary School is ready to be opened. This school has space for 875 students.

"You will recall that the Biche Secondary School was made functional by this Government after it was abandoned by the previous administration.
"These are by no means small achievements and serve to defy and put a lie to those who claim that the Government is not achieving its mandate to transform the experience off our citizens.

"The Minister of Community Development only on Monday opened the Mango Ose Community Center and has also opened in the last few weeks centres in Second Caledonia, Sisters Road, Malabar Phase 4 and Duranta Gardens.

"In addition the following are soon to be opened. Jeningham Junction, Upper Malabar, Caura Activity Center, Springvale Forres Park, and Macaualay Claxton Bay.

"In addition to all of the above, the Spiritual Shouter Baptist School has been opened and as well the Tobago Hospital.

"If you notice carefully you will see that rural neglect is being tackled with great fervour and enthusiasm by my government.

"I have given you these few examples so as to point out that this government is working in the interest of the people and fulfilling the promise of 2010.

"We will not be distracted from our purpose by those who wish to otherwise engage our productive energies.

"We will not be deterred in our determination to make real the promise gave in 2010 and the fulfillment of the expectations of the people. While we have challenges, we also have solutions. We are also not afraid of taking decisions which are consider hard."

She also spoke of the Parliamentary agenda.

"As you are aware legislation to deal with the protection and development of children and also procurement is being considered by Parliament. The legislative framework to affect ethical conduct is not being ignored by this government.

"The debate will continue on the achievements of the government. What I have outlined for you this afternoon is testimony of a government working in the interest of all the peoples of Trinidad and Tobago."

Persad-Bissessar said she is honoured to represent Trinidad and Tobago at high-level events such as the Summit of the Americas and reminded citizens that "I will continue to fly the flag of Trinidad and Tobago and enhance our nation’s stature and role on the international arena".

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
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