Monday, April 23, 2012

Hundreds march in solidarity for abused and murdered children

The Non Governmental Organisation The Jericho Project organised a solidarity walk Sunday for abused children and those killed at the hands of adults.

The organisers said the event was geared at highlighting the urgent need for stringent measures to be put in place to protect the nation's children from physical, sexual and other forms of abuse.

Committee member Paul Nahous told reporters last week, "We want the passing of the Children's Bill, expanded social services, and we want proper relief centres."

He added that the current laws are outdated. "The last amendment I believe to the Children's Act, 2000 was the last amendment, Chapter 40:01. Twelve years have past, different issues have come up. We are not seeing any change that has come up as in no social change."

The event highligted the murder of, Akiel Chambers, who was sexually assaulted and killed 14 years ago at the age of 11. Phillip Alexander, chairman of the Jericho Foundation, wondered why after 14 years no one has been arrested in conncetion with the death of Chambers. 

"Every child that dies this way, our nation is scarred forever. It has been 14 years since he was murdered and to date, nothing. We never should have let this pass. From the moment he was murdered, we should have marched every day," Alexander said.

JYOTI has obtained a list children and teenagers who have been killed, courtesy Ronald Hinkson

  1. Aaliyah Johnson, 2 (April 2012)
  2. Akiel Chambers, 11
  3. Josiah Govenor, 6
  4. Daniel Guerra, 8
  5. Adrian Richards, 12
  6. Akel Gafoor, 17
  7. Amy Annamunthodo, 4
  8. Dane Andrews, 12
  9. Dario Mc Coy, 16
  10. Devika Lalman, 15
  11. Dion Barclay, 16
  12. Dominic Thomas, 16
  13. Etean Smith, 2
  14. Hope Arismendez, 8
  15. Jashouna Hypolite, 15
  16. Jevon La Monte, 17
  17. Kimo Richards, 15
  18. Kyle Grant, 17
  19. Kylie Garcia, 15
  20. Leah Lammy, 8
  21. Lily Seepersad, 7
  22. Lisa Sammy, 17
  23. Lorenzo Harridath, 10
  24. Mastaq Benoit, 16
  25. Michael Forde, 14
  26. Mikhaeil Alleyne, 13
  27. Neil Clement, 17
  28. Parmanan Persaud, 13
  29. Radha “Pixie” Lakhan, 16
  30. Riana Parag, 18
  31. Ricardo McKenzie, 16
  32. Ronald Palakdhari, 16
  33. Sean Luke, 6
  34. Shahida Phillip, 16
  35. Shernelle Codrington, 16
  36. Simeon King, 16
  37. Tecia Henry, 10
  38. Zakia Mitchell, 14
  39. Zareen Ansara Mohammed, 15

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai