Saturday, March 10, 2012

Ramlogan says PM did not apply for silk; says she's well qualified for honour

Attorney General Anand Ramlogan told legislators on Friday Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar qualified for the title of Senior Counsel ("silk") because of her standing as a former attorney general, a former Legal Affairs minister and her distinguished record of service in the legal arena. 

Ramlogan was replying to an Opposition question in the House of Representatives on the issue.

He said the Prime Minister did not submit an application for the title. He explained that the honour has traditionally been awarded to persons who hold high public office without the need for them making an application.

Ramlogan said these people include:
  • the Solicitor General
  • Director of Public Prosecutions
  • Chief Parliamentary Counsel
  • Chairman, Law Reform Commission
  • the Attorney General
  • the Prime Minister
Ramlogan also noted that former PNM attorney general John Jeremie had been awarded silk in his tenure.

The AG said he followed the precedent set by Jeremie in that the AG, as titular head of the T&T bar, was traditionally awarded this rank. He said he did not know why former NAR attorney general Anthony Smart or PNM AG Keith Sobion were not awarded silk while they held office.

He reiterated that he had consultations with the president of the Law Association, Dana Seetahal, SC, following which the final list of his recommendations was submitted the Prime Minister on December 19, 2011.

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