Friday, March 9, 2012

Government Communications Officer KEISHA DAVID dies suddenly

Government Communications specialist Keisha David died suddenly on Thursday while undergoing a medical procedure at the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex (EWMSC), Mt Hope.

David was a former multimedia journalist at TV6.

A report in Newsday said David became ill at her home in Barataria and collapsed. She was rushed to hospital and died while undergoing emergency treatment.

Minister of Health Dr Fuad Khan told the paper David may have died of deep vein thrombosis or a blood clot to the heart. “It is a sad state of affairs. However, an unofficial investigation found she was having some problems with swelling of her leg.

“It may have been deep vein thrombosis and it dislodged itself and went into the lungs which would have resulted in pulmonary embolism and sudden death. However, the post-mortem will determine the cause of death,” Khan said.

Click on the YOUTUBE video to watch a report on Deep Vein Thrombosis.

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Jai & Sero

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