Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Message from PM Kamla: Your government is working for you

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar has posted on her Facebook wall a message to citizens urging them to work with her to "live together, dream together and build a nation of equals".

In it she has outlined her government's principal achievements in just under two years, stating that "our responsibility is to deliver at every level". 

(You can also read about the Government's achievements by clicking here or clicking on the link at the top right hand corner of this page on the image for the 365 DAYS magazine)

  • Wounding and shooting incidents fell from 689 in 2009 to 616 in 2010 and then again to 535 in 2011, a drop of 22% over the period.
  • Narcotic offences fell by 12 %
  • Constructed over 350 water ponds
  • 300 kilometres of access roads built or rebuilt
  • Leases for thousands of acres of agricultural land to farmers
  • Refurbishing fishing depots throughout this country
  • Praedial larceny squad
  • 29 Early Childcare centres completed
  • 586 schools repaired and refurbished
  • 11 primary schools constructed
  • Refurbished the Biche High School
  • 39,000 laptops distributed in secondary schools
  • 7 Workforce Assessment Centres launched
  • Opened COSTAATT campus in Sangre Grande to meet the tertiary education needs that will serve over 800 students
  • Opened the Tobago Technology Centre in Canaan Bon Accord
  • Launched the Bachelors of Education at University of Trinidad and Tobago
  • Opened the Bethel Empowerment Centre
  • Launched the YTEPP Mobile Computer Training Unit in Tobago
  • Started construction on 4100 houses
  • 600 certificates of comfort provided
  • Homes for victims of difficult circumstances
  • 200 Mothers of Children employed in URP Social
  • Introduction of the Temporary Food Card, first of its kind in the world
  • Utilities Assistance Programme designed to provide financial assistance to lower income persons
  • Increased old age pensions
  • 600 homes wired to receive electrical connection
  • 100 houses provided with sanitary plumbing support under the NSDP
  • Public Transport to every corner of Trinidad and Tobago
  • 60 years and over travel free on PTSC buses
  • Glaucoma filtration surgery using the latest EX-Press Glaucoma Filtration Device
  • First joint replacement surgery
  • New Cardiology Unit at the San Fernando General Hospital
  • X-Ray and Ultrasound services at the Siparia District Health Facility
  • Eye Theatres at San Fernando General Hospital
  • Established the Children’s Life Fund
  • National Gas Company Memorandum of Understanding with Tanzania Petroleum Corporation for the development of the natural gas industry in Tanzania
  • Started construction on Galeota Port
  • Completed major refurbishment of the Vanguard Hotel now called the Magdelena Hotel Tobago
  • Launched and implemented the Single Electronic Window TTBizlink
IN 2012 WE WILL ....
  • Construct $11.5 million centre for the Differently Abled 
  • Provide free Ferry Service travel to all Citizens of Trinidad and Tobago who are 60 years
  • Deliver 6,900 houses by the end of this year
  • Open a 300 bed Hospital facility at Chancery Lane in San Fernando
  • Provide medicines for Chronic Diseases which will be packaged and kept at those offices for easy collection by the elderly
  • Have basic medicines delivered to our elderly at their door step
  • Drill 15 exploration well for Oil and Gas in Trinidad and Tobago
  • Launch the construction of a Children’s Hospital in Central Trinidad specialising in the treatment of particular illnesses which affect our young
  • Convert PTSC buses to CNG
  • Establish a Healing Institute to support the mental and spiritually welfare of our citizens
  • Develop the Respite centres for persons who work arduously as caregivers
  • For those who qualify, increase our current subsidy on water and electricity by 100% for old age pensioners, the poor and low income persons on social assistance
Let us live together, dream together and build a nation of equals.

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai