Friday, February 17, 2012

Jack sues reporter for allegations about missing Haiti $$$

Jack Warner in Haiti - 2010
Jack Warner issued a statement on Thursday noting that he has initiated legal proceedings to sue Trinidadian journalist Lasana Liburd, who alleged through twitter that Warner did not deliver funds to Haiti that were donated by FIFA.

Warner was a FIFA Vice President at the time of the Haiti disaster. 

He made it clear that not only did he deliver all funds he also personally made additional funds available to more than 30 victims and their families.

The Works minister said he has retained the services of English QC, William McCormick to handle the matter. 

Warner said the message first sent on the Internet by Liburd "was re-tweeted by numbers of equally deranged and malicious persons who never checked Liburd's claim for its veracity, nor did they research independently whether there was any truth whatsoever in the nasty allegation first made by one James Corbett, a former employee of the Al Ahram newspaper, Mubarak's propaganda instrument for decades (sic!)."

He added, "I shall take advice on which other persons shall be joined to the suit and categorically state that not only did I never misappropriate aid money destined for Haiti, but have personally made additional funds available to the 30+ victims and their families who were buried under the collapsed Haitian Football Association building.

"I am thoroughly disgusted by the level of malice and nastiness some persons resort to and have decided that I can no longer tolerate the continued lies and wrongful allegations permanently levied against me by people who consider themselves to be above the law. 

"I am appalled that persons whom I have known to be quality journalists in the past, are now jumping on the 'destroy Warner' bandwagon and thoughtlessly, if not senselessly, take any lie for granted that they come across these days and which further maligns and defames me."

He said on Friday he will make public several emails between himself and the Haitian President, as well as "between several other persons and me" on the subject of the Haitian aid.

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Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai