Tuesday, January 24, 2012

PP government has big plans for pan and tourism

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessasr on Monday outlined an ambitious plan for converting pan yards to pan theatres as part of the development of tourism infrastructure.

She revealed the details in a speech in south Trinidad.

File: Silver Stars panyard
"Now is an opportune moment to say what my broader vision for carnival and pan and our culture entails.

"We wish to upgrade our pan yards to pan theatres with built-in state-of-the-art infrastructures for example: seating for visitors, museums detailing past accomplishments in carnival, music, awards; scheduled performances available all year round; and even kitchens where visitors can sample the delights and local cuisine.

"In this way, steel bands and their administration will be consistently engaged throughout the year. We expect this approach to not only attract but sustain thousands of tourists.

"These Pan theatres will house our steel bands who are deeply rooted and steeped in their community, who have contributed significantly to our cultural history example Desperados, Renegades, All Stars, Fonclare.

"So for example as you touch down in Trinidad or Tobago, on a Caribbean Airlines flight, you are welcomed by a Customer Service ambassador with literature advertising all you can do in Trinidad and Tobago, of which booking a pan theatre tour and concert will be featured.

"This approach will present and generate community-based employment opportunities where we expect at least 400 citizens to be engaged directly and 1200 to be engaged indirectly per community, or downstream as we develop our capital city to the Carnival Square.

"And as we speak of our Carnival Square, this also feeds into a larger vision for Port of Spain and the modernising of Port of Spain.

"For example, we all know that Ariapita Avenue is seen as a virtual entertainment strip that has been raising the culinary bar almost by the minute with culinary offerings that are both pleasing to the eye and palate.

"It is our intention to invite Zagat, of global renown, to survey and rank Trinidad and Tobago’s restaurants to ensure the aesthetics and cuisine of our restaurants become known to the international market. Because the reality is that the Trinidad and Tobago dining experience is not unlike the most renowned in the world. I am convinced that the Trinidad and Tobago dining experience is can compete with the most renowned in the world.

"In addition, partnering closely alongside Ministry of Local Government, we will work assiduously towards pedestrianizing specific areas in our cities, with lamps and landscaping and signage, creating aesthetically pleasing foot paths; which will bring and encourage more businesses and subsequently visitors into the city.

"Where do we see Port of Spain? We see Port of Spain as a self- sustained international residential and commercial hub with an exciting array of retail and culinary amenities combined to make a city that is integrated seamlessly into the 21st century.

"The prosperity of each of us, the prosperity of all of us – it’s about a strong economy and it’s about having jobs. A job is essential for a family’s future. A strong economy is essential for a nation’s future. I will build that strong economy, investing in skills, investing in infrastructure, focusing on jobs, and families within the nation will be able to build their future with the benefits of work."

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai