Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Universal prayer for 50th anniversary of TT parliament becoming bicameral

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar on Monday offered a universal prayer for the 50th anniversary of the bicameralism of the Trinidad & Tobago Parliament. The prayer by the Prime Minister is reproduced below.
Heavenly Father,

God of all creation, you are God of our nation, our people and our leaders. We submit ourselves in your divine presence and recognise your power and authority over our nation at this stage of development.

We thank you that we can commemorate our 50th Anniversary of our Bicameral System with an Inter-Faith service that embraces all our people. We honour You for Your goodness to our nation and for giving us blessings far beyond what we are worthy of. Blessings in our twin islands through:

  • Our natural resources that enable us to progress as a nation
  • Our people, in spite of their diverse origins and mixed identities are able to live together
  • Our differences of religion and culture that foster admiration and tolerance
  • Our beautiful landscape and beaches that invite the world to enjoy
Father, we are grateful for all our leaders and institutions who played their part in our development, they are remembered for:

  • Their resolve to stand firm in defence of our belief in a democratic society
  • Their resolve to chart our own destiny through Independence
  • Their resolve to teach our children right from wrong
  • Their resolve to defend the rights of all our people regardless of race or religion
  • Their resolve to uphold the laws of the land, the principles of our Constitution, and the agreements s of international bodies
  • Their resolve to fight against all that threaten our peace, safety and future of our nation
May You guide and protect me as Prime Minister. Also, guide and protect all our Members of Parliament – both Government and Opposition, and all those who are honoured with the responsibility of taking our nation through this 10thRepublican Parliament. 

“As we serve the people,” help us to uphold the nation’s Constitution, let us humble ourselves under your power and authority, let us recognise our foolishness in light of your wisdom, let us admit our failures and seek your forgiveness, Let us build Trinidad and Tobago into a nation that all our present people and future generations can enjoy ‘peace and goodwill’ to all men. This we ask of you.

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai