Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Parliamentarians gather to pray as T&T marks 50th anniversary of bicameralism of legislature

Anglican Bishop Rt Rev Claude Berkley appealed to Parliamentarians on Monday to end what he termed "the mindless race talk".

He was speaking at a service at the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Port-of-Spain to mark the 50th anniversary of bicameralism of the Legislature.

President Max Richards headed a list of dignitaries attending the service. 
Others included Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, Chief Justice Ivor Archie, House Speaker Wade Mark, Senate President Timothy Hamel-Smith, members of Parliament— including the Opposition—and heads of the security forces.

Berkley noted that the country has seamlessly made the adjustment to accept its first female Prime Minister. He condemned the prevalent lawlessness and commented on what he called a growing feeling of increased racial tension.

He said there have been too many accusations and counter accusations about race, noting that the leader of the Congress of the People (COP) has called for discourse on the way citizens ought to relate to one another.

Berkley reminded his audience of the racial hatred that countries like Serbia and Rwanda have experienced and warned his audience against creating racial hysteria in the country. 

Past and present members of the Parliament offered prayers. Former Independent Senator Dana Seetahal prayed for past and retired leaders while the opposition prayed for the nation’s youth, T&T’s future leaders.

The prayers offered by Senate President Hamel-Smith addressed were for the matter of health, education.

Persad-Bissessar offered a universal prayer for all Parliamentarians.

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