Friday, December 2, 2011

T&T slides nearly 20 points in International Corruption Index

Trinidad & Tobago has dropped from 73 to 91 in the latest Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index, which was released Thursday. 

The Chairman of the Trinidad and Tobago Transparency Institute presented the report at news conference. 

Richard Joseph said Trinidad & Tobago's score was 3.2 out of 10 in the 183 countries surveyed. It was 3.6 in 2010 Joseph added. A score of zero would be the most corrupt, while a score of ten would be the least corrupt.

In the Caribbean region, Barbados is ranged at 16 with a score of 7.1 New Zealand is the top overall scorer with a rating of 9.5; Canada is number 10 with 8.7. The United Kingdom is at 16 and the United States is at 24. 

The report suggested that one reason for the fall was that so far the new People's Partnership government has not implemented some of its campaign promises, leaving the the perception that the country has become more corrupt.

These are the implementation of the recommendations of the Uff inquiry into the construction sector and the enacting of new public sector procurement legislation. 

The report cited some other issues including Jack Warner presence in the administration following and many corruption allegations.

"While the administration has insisted on observing the rules of natural justice in these matters, it is possible that by allowing some incumbents to remain in office while lengthy and still unresolved investigations take place, its reputation has been harmed by association,” the report stated.

The international survey was carried out during the period December 2009 to September 2011. 

Joseph said, “The worsening perception of the level of corruption in T&T, so soon after our last general election, is a strong indicator that this matter is beyond the control of our politicians only and has to be addressed by the national community."

He said the Government must have the political will to effectively deal with the perception of corruption in T&T, adding that investments could be affected by the country’s corruption perception ratings.

The local branch of TI has made the following recommendations to improve the country's rating on the index:

  • Implement fully the recommendations of the John UFF Commission of Enquiry into the Construction Sector. TTTI has a special role to play in that exercise and renews its offer to assist Government and its agencies
  • Enact Public Sector Procurement Reform Legislation incorporating the ideas advanced by the JCC, the Chamber of Commerce, Trinidad and Tobago Manufacturer's Association (TTMA) and TTTI.
  • Enact whistleblower legislation to cover both the public and private sectors
  • Make legislative changes to the Integrity in Public Life Act to improve the efficiency of the Integrity Commission and provide the Commission with greater financial resources
  • Government should demonstrate greater transparency in all its dealings. As a start, publish the reports on the enquiries conducted under the previous Administration e.g. Piarco Airport Enquiry, the Caroni Bridge Collapse Enquiry etc.

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