Saturday, November 12, 2011

Letter: The Taming of the Bull

Dr. Rowley has taken a page out of his real leader’s book and offered an apology in an effort at self preservation. 

While Mr. Manning’s apology was opportunistic and vague, Dr. Rowley’s to the Judiciary has been carefully articulated to deconstruct what he wishes the Judiciary to view as an improper interpretation of his words accusing it of collusion with the AG.

Clearly Dr. Rowley does not have the courage of his conviction and the prospect of an early jail was daunting. He did not trust a lawyer to defend him against what he clearly views as a cloistered authority.

It remains to be seen whether the Judiciary in its wisdom will magnanimously accept the apology that attempts to paper over the crack which Dr. Rowley’s accusation administered to its edifice. 

Many who esteem Dr. Rowley’s leadership will hold the view that his accusation was valid and that only tyranny of circumstance forced him to retract. The widespread view on the streets is that the PPG has finally succeeded in freeing its financiers by AG chicanery and this has been carefully crafted by the party which Dr. Rowley leads and for which he spoke.

It behooves the AG therefore, and more so if the Judiciary is lenient, to sue Dr. Rowley as he has indicated he would, as this matter must be ventilated for public edification of the absolute independence of the Judiciary.

From all accounts the AG has been the target of serial false accusations leveled at him since assuming office by the leader of the Opposition who continues to represent a very large constituency. 

Dr. Rowley has been deliberately calculating in his spurious slanders and his last salvo was no slip of a virgin tongue. Indeed, he has used mendacity as a purposeful political tool often under cover of Parliamentary protection. His slur against the Judiciary was anything but inadvertent.

This may be a golden opportunity for the PNM to eject Dr. Rowley from an undeserved leadership which he has amazingly succeeded in further tarnishing after Mr. Manning.


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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai