Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Letter: Purposefully Pursuing PNM Party Policy

Former School Principal and current PNM MP for St. Ann’s West, Mrs. Patricia McIntosh on TV6 this morning (14/11/11) tried very hard to infer racial discrimination on the part of the SDMS in the admission policy of its Tunapuna school, relying entirely on allegations made by its suspended (?) principal Mrs. Sita Gajadharsingh Nanga contending curiously that the ‘Black’ students displayed by the SDMS were the ones she had admitted.

While she showed from Mr. Sat Maharaj’s letters that he had openly objected to certain OJT’s and other staff taken on by the principal, she repeatedly asserted as fact the alleged discrimination.

The representative for St. Ann’s was revolted by the term “Politician” seeing herself as a sincere, almost pious representative of the people (presumably of St. Ann’s) looking after their good.

She did not seem to realize that by insisting that morality and ethics in dress and conduct were management’s responsibility, she was admitting failure on the part of the Principal whose cause she was championing. Seeking to paint the SDMS anti-Black she suggested that the Concordat which gave rights to denominational schools should be revisited.

It seems that the SDMS was entitled to censure Mrs. Nanga under the existing terms of the Concordat and Mrs. McIntosh would have none of that.

The suggestion of Fazeer that her motion and campaign were designed to distract from PNM racist policies recently exposed elicited the most pious denials from the earnest championing MP still distressed at being seen as a politician.

She is expecting all to believe that the SDMS prefers to disrupt its well established and functioning school of many for a sudden campaign of racial discrimination simply to destroy its credibility and its decades of educational thrust.

Denominational schools were initiated by religious bodies in order to preserve their respective flocks and faith and any campaign to sabotage these objectives will be resisted by them whether Catholic, Hindu, Muslim or otherwise.

Mr. Maharaj has reason to lock out a recalcitrant Principal who has disrupted his Board’s policies to the extent he has proven.

Mrs. McIntosh is living the role of Politician she claims to abhor.

Fazeer’s incisive interview was masterfully discharged this morning as he permitted the lady Politician to hoist herself on her own petard with little assistance being required.

What she has apparently set out to do is to cry “Race!” disruptively, exactly when the COP is seeking to calm the stirred waters. It is difficult not to see PNM Party Policy being pursued vengefully.


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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai