Saturday, June 4, 2011

Court martial Manning for trying to undermine PNM leader: Taylor

A former cabinet minister who served in the last Manning administration wants the People's National Movement (PNM) to court-martial his former boss.

Peter Taylor told reporters Friday Patrick Manning is trying to undermine the office of the political leader, and is casting a deliberate shadow on the office of the political leader.

Taylor resigned from the PNM earlier this week saying he wanted to focus on developing his career in other areas.

He did not run in the 2010 general election, having dropped out after he was booed and chased out of Moruga by angry PNM supporters who threatened to vote for the opposition candidate if Taylor ran for the PNM.

Read the story: Taylor drops out of election race for "personal" reasons

Speaking at a news conference Friday Taylor said Manning's actions cannot be right. "It is the personality that they are letting get out of hand," he said.

"The party needs to take the bull by the horns and have an equivalent of a court martial of Mr Manning and let him know the office of political leader cannot be disrespected. The office is what remains after the personalities leave and therefore you have to ensure that the integrity of the office remains sacrosanct...

"People who have been following Manning are ill-advised and their efforts are misguided and it is sending the wrong message to the party, because loyalty should be based on principle and not personality.

"You have to have a consensus with the political leader for anything that is happening I am not aware that has been happening. Mr Manning has gone on a frolic of his own to see what traction there is on the ground."

Taylor said such a state of affairs is not doing the party any good as it tries to rebrand and reform itself. "Where is the change going to come from if not from within?" he asked.

Manning's seven-day "democracy walk" from Port of Spain to San Fernando was not supported by Rowley and the PNM's leadership. However, when he ended the protest on Tuesday he told supporters his efforts were in support of his party and its leader.

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