Wednesday, May 4, 2011

SPORT: Jack not saying who will gets CONCACAF support for FIFA president

Jack Warner is presented with a gift from FIFA President Sepp Blatter. Also in the picture Chuck Blazer , General Secretary of CONCACAF
Story by Hema Ramkissoon - CONCACAF

CONCACAF President Jack Warner is keeping his cards close to his chest as it relates to who the Confederation will be supporting in the upcoming election for the FIFA President.

At Tuesday’s Congress in Miami, Warner stated that a decision on which one of the candidates the Confederation will be supporting will be made when the CONCACAF delegates next meet. 

In his address to delegates he said “President Blatter addressed the Congress today and none of the membership expressed any displeasure with his leadership style or policies.” 

He added that the other candidate Mohamed Bin Hamman was unable to attend the Congress and said that “in the interest of fair play we have arranged for Mr Bin Hamman to meet with the membership on May 10 in Port of Spain, Trinidad. The membership of CONCACAF will meet before the FIFA Congress in June and a final decision will be made then.”

While speaking at a Media Conference following the Congress, Warner once again reiterated that the membership on CONCACAF will stand united when they vote in June. 

“The ties of this family remain unbroken, we have stood the test of turbulent times and we will continue to speak with a united voice. In June, CONCACAF will vote as a block,” he said.

The Congress also saw the reinstatement of Warner as President for a sixth consecutive term in the North and Central American and Caribbean region. Warner was nominated unopposed for his position earlier this year. 

As he reassumed office Warner told his delegates that he was humbled by the trust bestowed upon him by his brothers and sisters. 

He enthused that “This trust that you, my family has placed upon me, has invigorated my spirit and my soul to continue to serve you to the best of my ability. 

"For over 40 years of my life I have served this sport but I cannot and I will never personalize the sequence of events. I now bear with the other members of this Executive Committee the task of implementing the mandate set by you the members of this great and promising Confederation.”

During his address Warner commended all who contributed in making CONCACAF the powerhouse it is today. 

“For the last 50 years men and women have toiled to transform our Confederation into what it is today. We pay tribute to those that have passed and remain grateful to all who continue to serve.”

UEFA President Michel Platini, FIFA Vice President and President of the Spanish Football Federation Angel Maria Villar and many other high ranking officials of FIFA attended today’s Congress.

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