Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Police arrest Vicky Boodram-Arjoonsingh

Police arrested travel agent Vicky Boodram-Arjoonsingh Wednesday and kept her in custody overnight as part of an ongoing investigation.

Media reports police will charge her Thursday with fraud in connection of advertised cruises on the Miami-based Carnival Cruise Lines that never happened.

Boodram-Arjoonsingh is the President of Boodram's Travel and Ship Ahoy Cruises Agency.

Officers searched the Boodram-Arjoonsingh's home in Cunupia Wednesday morning and seized several documents, media reported. They arrested her and spent most of the day interrogating her.

Her agency had advertised and pre-sold cruises to Grenada, St Lucia and Martinque on Carnival vessels for travel in April and August this year.

Carnival cancelled the sailings and ordered Boodram-Arjoonsingh to refund fares collected from passengers. Although she promised to make the refunds scores of people complained that they never got back their money.

The cruise line filed a lawsuit against the the travel agency, claiming fraud and breach of contract amounting to nearly $TT40 million, alleging that Boodram's Travel sent fradulent letters of credit to local and foreign banks.

The cruise line said the agency continued to advertise the cruise and collect payments, even though she never paid an installment to secure the vessels.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai