Saturday, May 7, 2011

Jack adopts Carenage, promises fishing depot in three months

Works and Transport Minister Jack Warner plans to adopt the village of Carenage "as my own" and has told people living there they will have a fishing depot in three months.

Warner went to the village in his official capacity to hear for himself complaints by villaagers who have said their MP, Keith Rowley has neglected them. Residents held a meeting Thursday and complained of a lack of representation by Rowley..

Warner slammed Rowley for neglecting the area, “I will adopt this village as my own. I know I will get in trouble and get cussed and abused but at the end of the day I will do the work needed,” he pledged.

Residents told the minister Carenage was once had a thriving fishing industry. They said completion of the fishing depot was stalled because of neglect by the previous manning PNM administration.

The project started in September 2008 was shut down in February 2010. The government at the time explained that it had to close the project because it did not have the money to complete it.

Warner disputed that claim. “They had money to complete the Hyatt and the National Academy of the Performing Arts (NAPA) but could not complete a fishing depot? I promise I will have that depot completed within the three months,” he said.

Warner said he would liaise with Food Production Minister Vasant Bharath to ensure that there is money to kick-start the project. 

The minister also promised to look into complaints about the Carenage Health Centre which does not have a permanent home. He promised to discuss it with his cabinet colleague, Minister of Health Therese Baptiste-Cornelis. 

PNM councillor Emroy Slater accused Warner of making promises he could not keep. He said Warner’s decision to "adopt" the area is a serious sign of disrespect towards Rowley and "there would be consequences".

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai