Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter message from Jack Warner, Chairman of the UNC

The celebration of Easter days holds a significant idea for the people of Trinidad and Tobago. For over the next three days as a nation we celebrate the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The death of Jesus Christ reminds us of a basic fundamental truth which lies in the understanding that Jesus is God for all. 

He died for the rich and the poor, the males and the females, the old and the young, the broad spectrum of racial divides and He rose again so that all mankind will share the hope of eternity in Paradise.

In our beautiful rainbow country this message is relevant and as we celebrate we must remind ourselves to be patient, to be tolerant and to have faith in each other as we seek to build a better nation together.

Like Jesus, let us not view each other on the basis of our differences but on the basis of our sameness.

Like Jesus, let us manifest selflessness and prepare to commit the ultimate sacrifice as we become our brothers’ keeper.

Like Jesus, let our greatness be our truth, our honesty and our compassion; and let it be manifested through our humility and love for each other.

This is a time for reflection and the time to purpose in our lives to be different as we face the challenges of bringing our nation together.

So as we celebrate this Easter, let us purpose to hold each others’ hand and be strong for each other, loving and caring for the dispossessed and the oppressed as we strive to ensure that as a nation and as a people that we all rise.

On behalf of the United National Congress as well as on my own behalf, I wish all of Trinidad & Tobago a happy, safe and holy Easter.

Jack Warner | Chairman, United National Congress

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai