Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Letter: PNM displayed scorn in debate on "hanging bill"

Today the PNM showed which side they are on - and it not on the side of people who are law abiding.

I am like so many others tonight disgusted with the PNM and Keith Rowley, as well as the other Opposition members. 
The picture on the Guardian shows it all, a bunch of celebrants that they have thwarted the PP Government’s attack on crime, by frustrating legislation to speed up hangings.
Guardian Photo
Tonight, the PNM must hold their heads in shame. They laughed throughout the debate. They voted with a sense of scorn, especially former School Principal Ms McIntosh and Dr Amery Browne. 
They are happy to see murderers and criminals go free to once again rape women, even their own daughters and wives and to commit heinous crimes. 
Why did they stand with the criminals elements? Is it that they are afraid for their lives? Is it that they have cut deals with the criminals and are now afraid? 
Why did Rowley not participate in such an important debate, one that has to do with impacting on crime. 
Truth if it be told is that the PNM are happy to see crime rise. They do not care if women and children are maimed and killed, once a higher crime rate makes the PP govt look bad. What a disgusting way to say that you are loyal to your country.

Here is a group of twelve from a party that says it cares, says that is supports the death penalty, hears from the Privy Council and three senior counsels that the best way forward is an amendment to the constitution and yet are happy to vote NO. 
What distorted mentalities and what a callous group of people! I was particularly disgusted at the behaviour of the wife of the President of NGC, Patricia Mc Intosh who appears delighted at the bill not being passed. 
Her behaviour throughout the debate was disgusting to say the least. I would like to see what projects if any in her constituency are being supported by NGC. I would also like to see how much money has been given to any NGOs in her constituency and in other PNM held constituencies by NGC.

Today, I go further to point out the picture chosen by the Express to publish on the front page. The picture is deliberate and is part of the Express’ continued attempts to destabilize the government. 
They deliberately chose the headline “Defeated” in order to suggest that the PM was defeated. 
The only people who were defeated were the people of the country who wanted a progressive law and a speedier justice system. The PNM hung themselves and will now be cremated by the people. 
They have gone against the people at a time when there is a war between the law abiding citizens and the evil criminals.

The PM will never be defeated by the likes of the Express. 
The PM and her PP Govt will move forward to beat back the criminals. The way forward is to bring the Preliminary Inquiries Bill early to Parliament and pass it. This will save time. 
In addition the PM must set up special courts for murder trials. An all out attack on gangsterism must start now. Night courts must be established. CoP Gibbs must be fired and replaced by Stephen Williams. 
The PP govt must move post haste to build the 19 Police Stations which have not been built. If Minister Sandy is not up to the job then re-shuffle him.

In fact a Cabinet Reshuffle is badly needed. Three Senators must go. They are Mary King, Moheni from NJAC and Patrick Watson. They are adding no value. This will give the PM the flexibility to bring in support for Winston Dookeran in Finance and Chandresh Sharma in Local Government.

The PM and the PP Government will not be daunted by what happened in parliament. The blood is on the hands of Rowley and the PNM.

Chandra Harnanan
Editor's note: Only 11 members of the PNM voted against the bill. The MP for Point Fortin, Paula Gopee-Scoon was absent when the vote was taken. 
In an Internet posting, Opposition Leader Keith Rowley said: "The PNM voted against a poorly drafted bill and not against the death penalty as is being suggested by the Prime Minister and her Attorney General. The Death penalty is still the law in Trinidad & Tobago".

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