Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Fired CEO of SWRHA supports probe; MPATT's lawyers stall probe into Ramsoomair's death

Paula Chester-Cumberbatch said Tuesday she supports any probe into her abrupt dismissal as the Chief Executive Officer of the South West Regional Health Authority (SWRHA).

She was reacting to an announcement by Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar on Monday that a three-member inter-ministerial committee would to investigate the industrial relations matters at the San Fernando General Hospital.

The committee is comprised of Education Minister Dr Tim Gopeesingh, Legal Affairs Minister Prakash Ramadhar and Labour Minister Errol McLeod. They have two weeks to complete a report and submit it to cabinet.

The SWHRA fired Chester-Cumberbatch last Thursday after she failed to promptly issue suspension notices to medical personnel involved in the care of Chrystal Ramsoomair, who died at the hospital on March 4 following a cesarean section.

Chester-Cumberbatch has insisted that she did not nothing wrong and that she was just following proper procedure. She has threatened to take legal action for wrongful dismissal.

The Medical Professionals Association of T&T (MPATT) has accused Health Minister Terese Baptiste-Cornelis of being directly involved in the action against the doctors, a charge she has denied. The minister has said suspensions and firing are the responsibility of the SWRHA and its chairman, Dr Lackram Bodoe.

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar has supported her minister, saying based on the information available she believes Batptiste-Cornelis acted within her jurisdiction. The PM had just arrived from a one week visit to London and had not been fully briefed on the matter.

Acting Medical Director of the hospital, Dr Anand Chatoorgoon, on Tuesday criticised Persad-Bissessar's statement . 

"I am appalled at the Prime Minister's statement of support for the Honourable Health Minister before she has had time to ascertain all the facts surrounding the suspension of doctors and nurses and the firing of the CEO of the SWRHA.

"It is no secret that the Honourable Prime Minister has been out of the country for some time and therefore would not be aware of all the issues related to these matters. 

"The Minister of Health was appointed by the Prime Minister, and the Prime Minister must take note of the call by many right-thinking persons and reputable associations for the removal of the Minister of Health,"Chattergoon told the Express newspaper.

He suggested that the Prime Minister should speak with all the relevant stakeholders before supporting the health minister.

The SWRHA has delayed the enquiry into Ramsoomair's death because of the intervention of MPATT. The medical group has retained attorneys Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj and Fyard Hosein who have asked the SWRHA to pout in writing all questions to be answered by the five doctors.

MPATT spokesperson Dr Shehenaz Mohammed said the suspended doctorsa and nurses have been advised to boycott the investigations.

Read guest commentary by Robin Montano - Baloney for sure!

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai