Sunday, March 20, 2011

Emails suggest negligence in the death of Chrystal Ramsoomair

An email from the fired CEO of the South West Regional Health Authority (SWHRA), Paula Chester-Cumberbatch, warned that medical personnel breached procedure at the San Fernando General Hospital and suggested that there was "gross complacency and negligence by the senior doctor" in connection with the death of Chrystal Ramsoomair.

The email, published in the Sunday Express, stated that a house doctor conducted the Caesarean section on Ramsoomair on March 4 without the senior doctor present. It added that if the family chose to take legal action in the matter "this would not be a case to defend".

The paper said Chester-Cumberbatch sent the strongly worded email from her BlackBerry, admitting negligence and suggesting that the SWRHA would have to take responsibility for the woman's death.

"It is quite clear to me that we have breached the MOH (Ministry of Health) Policy on the management of high-risk cases. By breach, I am noting that the Registrar 'failed to observe the Policy' whereby a house officer is not to perform a c-section alone in high risk cases.

"This patient was indeed 'high-risk' as this was her third c-section. For me this shows gross complacency and negligence by the senior doctor involved," the email said.

It added, "I will need to address with the assistance of the new board...the dismissal of staff on grounds of medical mismanagement...I am also concerned that nobody picked up on the fact that the patient was pale and her vitals indicating something was going wrong."

Chester-Cumberbatch also stated in her email that the patient's family "feel that the doctors and the nurses were all negligent. They were pleased with the treatment from the moment the problem was detected but feel that their relative died due to our delay, by both doctors and nurses, in recognizing her deteriorating problem. If they decide to take legal action, this would not be a case to defend."

Hospital Medical Director Dr Anand Chattergoon was the first to advise the Chester-Cumbertach about what happened. 

In an email, he also named the doctors involved. "Lost another obstetric case tonight," Chattergoon wrote. "Doctors involved - Drs. Ashmeed Mohammed, Roma Jaggernauth. Intensivist - Dr. Peng. Patient's name was Chrystal Ramsoomair, age 29 years. She died in the ICU in spite of vigorous supportive measures. Baby is fine."
On Monday the Minister of Health announced that five doctors and four nurses were suspended with pay for two weeks in order to conduct an investigation into Ramsoomair's death. However the suspension notices were not sent out until Wednesday.

On Thursday the SWRHA board fired the CEO. Both Chester-Cumberbatch and Chattergoon have been critical of the action.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai