Monday, February 21, 2011

Letter: Plot to bring down the PP government?

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about a plot to bring down the government. 

Now that the Police, Prison Services and Fire Officers are stirring the pot, now that we have seen how the security of the PM was compromised and how she was left unguarded, it is plain clear that the plot is on.

The PNM has not condemned the action of the police leaving us to conclude that they may be part of the plot. 

Peter O'Connor seems to agree with this position that people are willing to get power at all costs even at the cost of the PM losing her life leads us much to think about.

Read the column: The gathering storm - the Peter O'Connor column

If the PNM were not part of the plot then they would have come out and condemned it. They have not done so but choose instead to put fire in to the situation and stoke the fire. They do not care about the country.

Do you remember the losses that were incurred in 1990? Do you remember the lives lost? Do you remember how many persons lost everything in Port of Spain?

Well it is clear that PNM wants such a situation to occur. What is happening is no different from what happened in 1986 and in 1995. What is also clear is that COP PNM elements are joining in flaying the PM and government.

If you ask them what change they want they cannot answer despite all the things that are happening. That is because they have one goal and that is to bring down Kamla and her government.

They have started a talk on the streets to give Kamla an Egypt. They are putting ideas in the heads of the few who want the PP government out.

I have not heard Gregory Aboud of DOMA condemn the actions of the police. It leaves you to wonder. Does it not? By the number of Cabinet minutes and reports being released to the Opposition the plot is on the inside as much as it is on the outside.

Tell me I am wrong!

Chandra Harnanan

1 comment:

Jennifer Ali said...

Since the defence force has not as yet taken any kind of industrial action (and I believe and police and defence force fall under essential services) I wonder what is preventing the government from calling a limited state of emergency and bringing out the army. Until people are forced to stay indoors after a certain hour they will complain and criticize but they will not make any effort to help by boycotting fetes and events where security is in question.

Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai