Monday, February 21, 2011

Don't mistake PM Kamla's compassion for weakness: Moonilal

Housing and Environment Minister Dr Roodal Moonilal has warned groups with “outlandish demands” that they are mistaken if they think Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar is weak.

Moonilal was speaking with journalists Sunday during a tour of the Union Hall housing development in south Trinidad. 

Reporters asked his view on comments made by his cabinet colleague, Jack Warner, last week that several trade unions are placing unreasonable demands on Persad-Bissessar because of her ethnicity and gender.

Moonilal says it goes beyond that. “There are unions that feel the time is ripe, that the Government is new, that is being led by a head of government who has enormous compassion and who has demonstrated compassion.

“And so they believe it is a good time to make outlandish demands but having said that I think today the Prime Minister was described in the newspaper as the Iron Lady of Trinidad and Tobago and I think the trade union leadership and other groups would be well advised to keep an eye on the Iron Lady rather than to believe that in any way her compassion means that she is weak or will easily cave in,” he said.

Among tough female leaders who have worn that title are Britian's Margaret Thatcher, India's Indira Gandhi and Golda Meir of Israel.

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