Thursday, January 27, 2011

WASA fete gets court approval; Volney pleased

Senior Magistrate Nannette Forde-John on Wednesday granted final approval for the WASA fete to go on as scheduled on Saturday.

It was a legal formality since the matter had already been resolved during discussions with the various parties including Justice Minister Herbert Volney who had taken the matter to court. He had argued that there were the issues of noise affecting babies and staff at the Mount Hope hospital, which is located next to the fete venue.

Volney had also complained about the safety of persons attending the fete. The organisers assured the magistrate that the fete would be "safer than ever" with 178 police officers to make sure everything is OK.

With respect noise, the promoters assured the magistrate that they have acquired the services of Rose and Company to ensure proper monitoring of the decibel levels as stipulated by the Environmental Management Authority (EMA).

They also agreed that stage and the speaker boxes would be strategically placed on the grounds so that neither the hospital nor the immediate communities would be affected by the noise.

The magistrate said she is again happy with the arrangements and wished party-goers a safe time. Volney was also pleased. “All that is left now is for the crowd to come and the weather to be lovely and St Joseph within the law would welcome the whole country to the WASA grounds.”

He added that he is happy with the restrictions on noise and also pleased that party-goers would be safe "given the large strength of the police officers.” 

One Assistant Police Commissioner, one Senior Superintendent, two Superintendents, two Assistant Superintendents, six Inspectors, 14 Sergeants, 26 Corporals and 126 Constables will be on duty at the fete.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai