Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Rowley refuses to meet PM Kamla to discuss aid for Caribbean

Keith Rowley is not going to join Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar is discussions about aid to neighbouring Caribbean countries that have suffered extensive damage from Hurricane Tomas.

Persad-Bissessar said on Monday she wants to consult with her cabinet and the Opposition Leader before making a final decision on aid. She also said she believes that the aid should have some kind of reciprocal benefit.

"If we are giving assistance with housing for example...then we may be able to use Trinidad and Tobago builders and companies, so that whatever money or assistance is given, redounds back in some measure to the people of Trinidad and Tobago," she told reporters at a media briefing.

Read the story: PM Kamla ready to help Caribbean neighbours hit by Hurricane Tomas

Rowley called that shameful and rejected the idea of attaching conditions to the aid. 

In an official statement Tuesday the leader of the People's National Movement (PNM) called the move a "backward, colonial policy" and insisted that he would have "nothing to with such discussions or concept.”

Rowley said he will not associate himself with “humanitarian relief from the people of T&T to Caricom that is tied to conditionalities of self-interest as outlined by our Prime Minister”.

He reminded citizens that in his view Persad-Bissessar “insulted” Caricom citizens by her statement earlier this year that Trinidad and Tobago is not "an ATM machine for the region".

Rowley added “We believe that in situations like these, we are unconditionally our brothers’ keeper, to the best of our ability” and accused the People’s Partnership Government of "recklessly attacking everything PNM created, supported or stood for.

"In this quest to be so different, this action as advocated by the Prime Minister can only serve to bring us shame and cost us our valuable leadership role in Caricom, which is so vital to our own economic existence.”

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
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