Tuesday, November 2, 2010

PM Kamla ready to help Caribbean neighbours hit by Hurricane Tomas

Trinidad and Tobago is ready to help its Caribbean neighbours who have been hit hard by Hurricane Tomas. 

However Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar has said she wants to discuss the matter with her cabinet and also the leader of the Opposition before making a decision on the aid.

She made the comments Monday at a news conference at the Diplomatic Centre in St Ann's. 

She told reporters her government has received calls from the leaders of St Vincent, Barbados and St Lucia. All three islands have suffered extensive damage from the hurricane. The tail of the storm also created havoc in parts of Trinidad and Tobago.

"We will have to look at ways in which we would be able to assist. But you would recall my comments earlier this year, when I said there must some way in which Trinidad and Tobago would also benefit," she said.

"So if we are giving assistance with housing for example...then we may be able to use Trinidad and Tobago builders and companies, so that whatever money or assistance is given, redounds back in some measure to the people of Trinidad and Tobago," she added.

Persad-Bissessar said housing is one of the issues she has discussed with the Prime Minister of St Vincent, Dr Ralph Gonsalves.

Persad-Bissessar said Gonsalves told her his island has been devastated with more than 600 homes destroyed, infrastructure damaged and the agricultural sector badly hurt. "The Prime Minister indicated that not a plantain or banana tree was standing," she said.

She told reporters the other island that have asked for help - Barbados and St Lucia - are doing a needs assessment while Gonsalves is preparing a report to be submitted to Port of Spain as soon as officials complete an assessment of what their must urgent needs.

Persad-Bissessar said the Minister of Local Government is making arrangements for two containers of foodstuff to go out to islands that are in greatest need, including st Vincent.

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Jai & Sero

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