Friday, November 5, 2010

Jack's Divali message: May the lights of Divali shine on all

"On the occasion of Divali 2010, I wish to extend my sincerest greetings and best wishes to my Hindu family in Chaguanas West and by extension the nation.
"Divali generally follows Eid ul Fitr and precedes Christmas. All three religious events reflect the very essence of our dynamic plural society; perhaps the most multi-ethnic and multi-religious known to the world. 

"All three are celebrated with unprecedented respect by an entire nation, bringing true meaning to one of our national watchwords; Tolerance.

"Divali represents the aspiration of all Hindus to conquer the ignorance that subdues humankind and to eradicate the obscurity that engulfs the light of knowledge. 

"This is not a message for our Hindu brothers and sisters alone but one for the nation as a whole. 

"The world has come to know the Divali celebration not only for the religious virtues that it promotes but also for the stunning aesthetics of lighted deeyas. The row of lights has evolved into an artistic exposition of impressive grandeur, featuring teamwork and community-wide cooperation which are important tenets of a well-ordered society.

"Whilst Felicity in Chaguanas is widely considered the home of this impressive cultural display and whilst it is the birthplace to some of the most skilful and gifted in the art of deeya making, the splendour has been marketed throughout the land. 

"Bent Bamboos, supporting rows of lights can be seen island-wide and attracts thousands on this holy night. The culinary delights offered on this day have also become an important feature of this national holiday.

"The teachings of Divali must be employed every day. The fact that light shines on all when lit is a message that must bring us to an understanding of our past and our quest for a brighter future. 

"The light symbolizes that we live as one people with a common history and common objectives. The message of Divali must therefore ring every day. The lights must provide us with the vision to reject that which is wrong and to welcome that which is right. The purity of purpose should shine every day.

"Shubh Divali to all. Let the lights shine on all of us in beautiful Trinidad and Tobago."

Jack Warner, MP Chaguanas West - Chairman UNC

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai