Monday, September 27, 2010

PM Kamla wins hearts in Brooklyn, tells everyone, "I won't let you down"

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar has been warmly received by Trinidadians and Tobagonians living in Brooklyn.

Excited, cheering crowds with Trinidad and Tobago buntings and flags and banners welcomed the Prime Minister at two functions in the borough Saturday night.

She was swamped for autographs and photo opportunities and was heralded by leaders of the Trinidad and Tobago-American community in Brooklyn.

She was also made an honorary member of Sesame Flyers Education and Cultural Club, a 27-year-old organisation extensively involved in culture and, especially, in the promotion of steelband, calypso and mas.

The Prime Minister evoked passions of patriotism to the extent that when she arrived for a function at Conrad’s Bakery, in the heart of Brooklyn, a large crowd broke out singing the national anthem.

Members of the audience generously praised Ms. Persad-Bissessar, with many openly expressing interest in returning to serve Trinidad and Tobago.

At the Sesame function, a top Brooklyn calypsonian sang in tribute of the Prime Minister, offering to assist in the development of the country.

Brooklyn boasts of the largest number of Trinidadians and Tobagonians living outside of the country.

The Prime Minister’s first stop was at Conrad’s Bakery, operated by the venerable Conrad Ifill, who has lived in New York for more than 40 years ad is considered a West Indian father figure. Ifill lavished Ms. Persad-Bissessar with praise for her stewardship of the country

A large crowd remained outside the premises to meet the PM and sing her praises.

She then attended a function at Sesame Flyers, on Church Avenue, where speakers and singers alike hailed the Prime Minister, saying how humbled and honoured they were to have her visit their establishment.

“We are proud of you,” said President Raymond Luke. “It is wonderful to have a woman at the helm,” he added.

A Brooklyn poet spoke of his confidence in the Prime Minister and calypsonian Lovey proclaimed: “I love Kamla!”

In the midst of a large and lively audience, the group’s leaders noted that Persad-Bissessar was the first Trinidad and Ttobago Prime Minister to visit them.

In her response, the Prime Minister singled out the organisation’s leaders and entertainers for praise, and commended Sesame for its contribution to the Brooklyn community and especially its involvement with youths.

She spoke briefly of some of her administration’s initiatives and invited the Trinidad and Tobago emigrants to assist in re-building the country.

In acknowledging the faith in her, the Prime Minister said: “I know I am a role model; I will not let you down.”

As with the visit to Conrad’s Bakery, Ms. Persad-Bissessar was besieged with requests for handshakes, pictures and autographs, and was offered best wishes for the success of her administration.

The visits have left Brooklyn residents animated about their love for and commitment to Trinidad and Tobago and their regard for the Prime Minister’s development programmes and her easy-going, charming manner.

Reporting by Ken Ali

1 comment:

me said...

Meeting the first female PM of Trinidad and Tobago last Saturday night was a wonderful experience. It made me proud both as a woman and Trinidadian. Seeing her sincerely enjoy the entertainment (talent)put on by our community was also most refreshing and the author of this piece did a great job in capturing her sincerity. Sadly, I must point out an unfortunate oversight made by him in this piece. Though the event took place at The Sesame Flyers facility it was not a singular event but was a joint effort between Sesame Flyers International Inc. and D' Big Apple Calypso Revue Foundation Inc., no mention was made of this fact or of it's founder Mr. Dawad Philip. Mr. Philip was also instrumental, along with Mr. Raymond Luke (Chairman of Sesame Flyers International Inc.), in putting the Saturday affair together. Mr.Philip,other than being a News Editor with the Daily Challenge for several years in our community (in which capacity he showcased our culture), has successfully, for the last 10 years, put on one of the best Calypso tents outside of Trinidad and Tobago,(some may say in the world, D' Big Apple Calypso Revue Tent (DBACR). DBACR is a spectacle that showcases top performers such as Mr. Winston "Gypsy" Peters, Trinidad and Tobago's newly elected Minister of Arts and Multiculturalism and Extempo king.Along with these two contributions to our culture Mr. Philip, in 2009, founded D' Big Apple Calypso Revue Foundation Inc. (DBACRF) is an organization created because he saw a financial and educational need within the Calypso/Cultural fraternity. This organization is dedicated to making donations to Calypsonians and their families in need. Mr. Philip has also launched, along with the other Board members of DBACRF, a fund raising effort targeted to the youth in our community, putting in place for Summer 2011 a summer camp where artisans of the mas, calypso, steel pan fraternity would come together to teach our youth their art. As you can see Mr. Philip has not only made a substantial contribution to last Saturday's reception, but to our community and culture as a whole and he deserves a mention.

Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai