Monday, August 2, 2010

Temporary relief centres set up to deal with floods

The Office of the Prime Minister has advised that it is working non-stop to bring relief to communities affected by widespread floods across the Trinidad. Some estimates suggest that about 75 per cent of Trinidad has been affected with many communities marooned.

Minister of Local Government Chandresh Sharma has set up a temporary shelter at the Waterloo High School to ensure that all persons in the South of Trinidad who have been affected by flooding will have shelter for the night.

He has been out in the field with several other government ministers including Rudranath Indarsigh, Fazal Karim and Anand Ramlogan. Officials have established shelters in several other public buildings to assist flood victims.

Press Secretary Garvin Nicholas has also been coordinating relief efforts in Diego Martin and other parts of North West Trinidad, where several blocked water courses have been cleared and efforts are underway to remove debris left by landslides in Carenage and La Seiva.

Minister of the People and Social Development Glen Ramadarsingh is also out in the field assisting with co-ordinating efforts to ensure that as little hardship as possible is experienced by citizens.

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissesar spent several hours making an aerial tour to see for herself the extent of the flooding. She was accompanied by National Security Minister Brigadier John Sandy.

All councillors have also been mobilised to assist persons who need help. The office of Disaster Preparedness has advised anyone who needs help to contact municipal representatives.

The office has warned people not to walk through flood waters unless it is absultely necessary and has also advised motorists not to drive through floods. It has also wanred people to watch out for landslides.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai