Friday, August 13, 2010

PM Kamla off to NY; Dookeran to act as PM

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar is attending a "meet and greet" public event in Queen's, New York Friday evening at which she will get an opportunity to tell Trinidad and Tobago nationals living the the U.S. about her government's plans for the country.

It's Persad-Bissessar's second trip abroad since taking office in May.

During her absence, Congress of the People (COP) leader and Finance Minister Winston Dookeran will act as Prime Minister.

When she attended the CARICOM summit in Jamaica in July, Persad-Bissessar appointed Works Minister and UNC Chairman Jack Warner to act.

On her return from Jamaica, Persad-Bissessar complimented Warner for the professional manner in which he handled his assignment and said she would be happy to let him act again. However she had also said she would like to hand that responsibility to others.

Warner made that clear to reporters on Thursday.

"The Prime Minister said very early that she intends to rotate the prime ministership and therefore I was lucky to be given the first stint,” he said.

He said he supports Dookeran’s acting appointment and would be happy to assist if the need arises.

And he had a warning for his cabinet colleague. “I will tell him that he will lose all his privacy for the next ten days or so...if he believes that he will be a private individual, I have news for him. So I will tell him what to expect.”

Persad-Bissessar will be away until August 22.
On Sunday, she will be the guest of honour in the India Day parade. Tens of thousands of Indians will parade in New York to mark the 63rd anniversary of India's independence and to celebrate Persad-Bissessar's achievements.

Read the story:
PM Kamla joins Indian movie star in NY parade to celebrate India independence

She will also attend several other events during which she will spread the word about her government and its policies.

A number of cabinet ministers are with her on the trip.

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai