Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Photo story: Let's save our history

A report in the NEWSDAY newspaper says the building above, which was built nearly 100 years ago, is about to be torn down.

The property is located on the compound of Holy Faith Convent in Couva, Central Trinidad and used by nuns at the convent.

It was built 98 years ago as the official residence of Captain Watson, a Managing Director of Tate and Lyle Sugar Company. Watson lived there from 1912 to 1947. It was used as Holy Faith Convent from 1950-1992 and later renamed Credo Retreat House.

The church has made a decision to demolish the structure because it is dilapidated. However, Sister Emerentia Smith believes the house could be repaired.

She told NEWSDAY it could be restored to retain "its glorious history" both to the Convent and to the wider community. "You do not destroy the fabric of a society with one stroke of the pen,” she said.

Sister Smith has pleaded with her superiors to save the historic building.

We agree and support her.

We need to preserve our history and the building is very much a part of the history of Trinidad and Tobago. The former PNM administration arbitrarily closed the sugar company and destroyed the original sugar factory at Brechin Castle by selling it as scrap iron.

Our nation was built on the strength of slaves and indentured labourers who toiled on sugar plantations to enrich British planters. That's a part of our history we must preserve.

We should make sure buildings like Credo House and the historic Sevilla House remain a part of that history.
And we urge the Kamla government to also salvage the old sugar factory at Usine St Madeline and create a sugar museum for future generations.

1 comment:

Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai