Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Jack Warner: Ramadan is a lesson in brotherhood

"The holy month of Ramadan is upon us.

"Two weeks ago we commemorated Emancipation Day. A few months from now, Hindus would begin their holy fast for Divali. And in a few months time again, our Catholic family would once more come together in the Christmas spirit in remembrance of Lord Jesus Christ.

"The observance of Ramadan in Trinidad and Tobago, fast on the heels of Emancipation celebrations and before Divali is a reminder that we thrive on our diversity.

"It is this very cosmopolitan and multi-ethnic and multi religious background that makes our nation so dynamic; one that forever reminds us that God in his multi-faceted incarnations is the one who is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. Our Lord lives in every one of us.

"The Holy period of Ramadan unites all Muslims in fasting, worship and prayer. It is a time for reflection, spirituality, brotherhood and unity. During this time Muslims recite the two-fold Creed (Shahada, profession of faith) ; there is no God but Allah' and 'Muhammad is his prophet'.

"They engage in Salat or prayer; at least five set-times a day while facing towards the city of Mecca. Muslims are expected to give "zakat"; 'purification', an act of worship. This is a voluntary giving to the poor.
It is a time of unpolluted reflection on creating a better an purer life for all. It is a time to contemplate on the struggles of the past and to ponder the victories of the future.

"Our Islamic family has exhibited acts of kindness, fellowship, brotherhood, charity and service to God which are very much admirable and should be emulated by the wider community.

"Muslims have also contributed to all aspects of societal development; in politics, law, business and sport.

"It is now important for all of humanity to remember the significance of the principles such as faith, repentance, truthfulness, simplicity, equality for all and concern for the dispossessed and the poor.

"At this time of prayer, it is unfortunate that many have had to go undergo the hardship of dealing with unprecedented rains and floods, but they are assured that their Government is working assiduously to rectify these problems.

"The response from the national community in giving and caring for the affected is the very essence of Ramadan. Collectively in prayer our woes can be turned into our victories.

"In my capacity as Chairman of the United National Congress and on my own personal behalf as MP for Chaguanas West, I do extend sincerest greetings to our Muslim family and all of Trinidad and Tobago on this very auspicious occasion of Ramadan.

"May we all be blessed.

Jack Warner | UNC Chairman"

Also read:
PM Kamla's Ramadan message urges all to be caring citizens
Also read: Dookeran's Ramadan message reiterates Gov't commitment to poverty eradication

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai